Save the date: ‘Envisaging Citizenship’ International symposium

Date: Monday 27 November 2023
Location: Monash University, Caulfield campus.
The conditions of citizenship are often taken for granted: a citizen is a legally recognized member of a state or commonwealth, and citizenship permits access to equal civil, political, and social rights. Yet citizenship always implies histories of inclusion and exclusion. And in colonial nations, the history of citizenship is entangled with the ongoing legacies of colonisation. Untangling the cultural construction of citizenship requires looking beyond the legal definition of citizenship to the wider historical processes through which citizenship and its associated ideas of rights and belonging have been imagined, debated, and found form. Images are particularly powerful mediators of these processes, indicating not only how imagined communities have been created, but also how the boundaries of imagined communities can be policed or contested. This international symposium brings together leading scholars from Canada, Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia to consider how visual culture has been used to imagine, contest or adapt ideas of citizenship and belonging in the settler nations, and how citizenship and its colonial legacies have been pictured over time.
Speakers include:
- Thy Phu, Distinguished Professor of Race, Diaspora and Visual Justice at the Department of Arts, Culture, and Media, University of Toronto.
- Gabriel Moser, Assistant Professor, Aesthetics and Art Education, York University Toronto.
- Lachy Paterson, Emeritus Professor, Te Temu School of Māori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies, University of Otago.
- Angela Wanhalla, Professor of History, University of Otago.
- Kimberley Moulton, Yorta Yorta woman, curator and writer and Senior Curator South Eastern Aboriginal Collections at Museums Victoria.
- Jane Lydon, Wesfarmers Chair of Australian History, the University of Western Australia.
- Amanda Nettelbeck, Professor of History in the Institute of Humanities & Social Sciences, Australian Catholic University.
- Fay Anderson, Associate Professor, School of Media, Film and Journalism, Monash University.
- Julian Rawiri Kusabs, Māori historian and PhD candidate at the University of Adelaide.
- Melissa Miles, Professor of Art History, Art, Design and Architecture, Monash University.
- And more…